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I was not expecting that ending. It was short and good.


lolololololololololol that's great

works on my mobile, but dark text over dark textbox made for impossible reading when mc wakes


oh my god this was hilarious! Sad, but hilarious!

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Thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed both of our games :D

- Walt




This is such a genius premise; I love the logo so much!

I'm with chimerique on this one though, it was absolutely hilarious but very, very sad at the same time...I hope that the MC gets the help that he so desperately needs (and gets over his irrational hatred of Priuses). 

Oooh, isekai. I'll check it out


i lost it at the main menu this is hilarious one of the biggest laughs of my life, I'll keep it in mind till the day I die

Now for the story... Geez, it was actually kinda sad?? How, after all, the main character didn't totally get a happy ending? I know this is all supposed to be a big joke, but I don't know, maybe it's just me, but the game was kinda depressing, haha! But an interesting experience nonetheless??


Thanks for checking out the game! We were not expecting people to find it depressing, but I can definitely see why you feel that way now that you mention it, haha!

- Walt


i remember being SO MAD at ninokuni (an anime movie) because they pick the paraplergic guy and "isekai" him into a world where he can walk normally so it loses all the point of him being paraplergic in the first place. so when i read the title of this game i was like "......NO WAY" and while this is just a silly joke with isekai animes i really  enjoyed it LOL thank you for this game!!!!


Glad you enjoyed it! I also never liked the trope of "disabled person gets their disability magically healed and then forgets they were ever disabled". Always comes off as what able-bodied people assume is a disabled person's escapist fantasy, lol. This game is a completely different direction than that, of course, but exploring a disabled/paraplegic lead in the future could be interesting!

- Walt



